Fanfara Asphalt
Walkabout show
A mobile musical performance with lots of joy, Comedy, Acrobatics and Interaction with the audience.
They come from the imaginary land of “Chorbastan"
Asphalt is a Got Talent finalist, performing all around the world with several different performances
The show is mobile and doesn't need any electric connection.
Our mobile shows adopt to variable kind of audiences.

Dear Moshe and Asphalt
We enjoyed getting to know you and to see you performing live.
Your interaction with the Mumbai students at the performance was brilliant.
Ya'akov Finkelstein – Consulate General of Israel, Mumbai
Give these guys a like and a share, they truly deserve it.
Roland Zsigmond
There is no way to explain how funny they are…
Pastoral hotel
Awesomness!!! Very good, Ciorbastan, very good! 😀
Iosif Gilca
Today I have seen you the second time. You are the official the summer freshener! Keep up your good work!
Tania Feldman
I love the traditions of Ciorbastan. We were in Romania looking for stuff about my dead bunic and stumbled across you guys at PLAI. I also kept saying it wrong. Next time I will carry a picture of bunic meu in my top pocket, like is tradition in Ciorbastan.
Will Chegwidden
Such a unique performance last night.
Thank you Asphalt Theater!
You are stunning!!! I have enjoyed every single moment!!!
Neema Keness
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